• The Uyghur ‘Genocide’ – A perfect example of Atrocity Propaganda

    The Uyghur Genocide does not exist, it is a false narrative created by the USA and its western allies to discredit China, reduce its global influence, and isolate it from the world. This is in consideration of the USA’s declining global power and China’s rising power and prosperity.

    Part 0 – A Western Precedent

    The west is angry at China. The west has problems, rising prices, unaffordable housing, supply problems, social issues, unstable democracies, lack of faith in government and a weakening economy. Slowly the west is falling apart, fracturing, recent studies show only 43% of Americans have faith in the government, and only last year the capitol building was attacked. However, since the Second World War, and especially since the fall of the Soviet Union, the western mindset has been one of superiority, that its system of liberal democracy was proven correct, and that all non-western liberal democracies will inevitably collapse under brutal dictatorships. But suddenly there is China, recently the world’s richest country and soon to transition being a high income country. The government is competent, high speed rail covers the entire nation, new extensive subways cover entire cities, poverty has decreased from 755 million to 9.6 million by 2015, and China is leading the way in electronic vehicles and technology, and more. People in China are less and less poor, have more faith in their government, and are optimistic about their country’s future, in stark contrast to the western culture of doom and pessimism.

    It is not only internal, China is replacing the USA and its western allies as the world’s hegemon, the US is slowly losing influence around the world. What’s worse is that China does this in a vastly different manner, where the west instigates coups and revolutions, assassinates leaders, and has no regard for life around the world so long as leaders kowtow to the US, China instead embarks on a series of building programs, favourable loans, investment and trade networks, which the west pitifully tries to call neocolonialisation. China is a practical nation, though they may disagree with other nations, they are willing to work with their governments, in contrast to the western policy of sanctions, which have killed millions and prevented development in certain countries. We’re all familiar with North Korea as an example of failed socialism, that cannot even feed its own people, however western sanctions for decades have specifically banned the country from importing fertiliser, so it is simply unable to grow enough crops. This all because NK didn’t go down the path of western democracy, the west forcefully keeps its people poor and hungry. The US wants to keep China in the same position but has hamstrung itself by inadvertently supporting China’s economic rise since the 1980s through its reliance on Chinese products. The US and the West will not stand losing its dominant global position which allows it to keep up its relatively high standards of living through continual exploitation of the non-western world. It is in western interests to keep the world and China poor and relatively undeveloped, to keep making western junk and continue to prove that liberal democracy works through upholding either petty dictators or destabilising system of government other than liberal democracy.

    So, we have an obvious precedent for the west to be against China, there just needs to be a focal point for it. That focal point is the supposed Uyghur Genocide. An idea so disgusting and abhorrent that no matter what positive things China does, no matter how developed it becomes, people can always say “But the Uyghurs” to immediately discredit and lose support for the entire nation. The US hopes this occurs on a global scale so that the entire world isolates China and strangles it back into poverty. The USA has a long history of faking incidents and has the infrastructure to do it. There are three most prominent examples which people at the time would also refuse to believe. These three are now public and open knowledge.

    The Gulf of Tonkin incident.

    The incident is what the USA used to justify their invasion of Vietnam. They claimed their ships were attacked by Vietnamese forces. The then secretary of US defense has since admitted the entire event was false and did not happen but was used to justify the invasion. An invented event, published in the global media, did not happen.

    The Nayirah Testimony.

    To justify the first gulf war, the Nayirah testimony was a hearing of a 15 year old Kuwaiti girl who claimed she saw Iraqi soldiers go into a hospital and kill babies, taking them out of incubators and throwing them down, etc. This was widely spread in the media and used as justification to move against Iraq. Actually, she was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the US, wasn’t called Nayirah, and made the entire thing up, having never set foot in that hospital. The invasion went ahead regardless.

    Weapons of Mass Destruction.

    You are probably old enough to remember this one, the US claimed that Iraq had WMD’s such as nuclear weapons, and this was used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It was widely published by global media and claimed as fact by the US. In reality the WMDs never existed, they were never found, and it has since been admitted that it was made up. It wasn’t even long ago but already people do not care about being blatantly lied to.

    Maybe you’re beginning to see how the Uyghur genocide may fit into this. How the USA has its new enemy, after the USSR, after Muslims, it is now in a new cold war with China. So, what better way to discredit China than to liken it to the most evil regime and event of recent history. Nazi Germany and the holocaust. Everything about the Uyghur genocide claims mimic that of the holocaust, it is designed entirely to horrify people with images of camps, trains, forced labour and executions. But, when actually examined critically, through a mixture of real evidence, sources, and logical reasoning, the entire genocide story falls apart.

    Part 1 – Actual Xinjiang data

    Actual data from Xinjiang immediately disproves any notion of genocide from the outside. According to the latest Chinese population census of 2021, the Uyghur minority population of Xinjiang has increased with an annual growth rate of 11%. I wonder how a population increase can be described as a genocide. But your response has already been predicted, you believe the numbers are fake. Why? This is the Chinese national census, obviously very important for national planning and understanding. What’s more, these aren’t from sources published on western media by the Chinese, the Chinese largely dismiss the genocide claims and are getting on with developing the region, as we shall discuss later. This data comes from using the Chinese internet to find their openly published data, which is available to the whole world if you can use a bit of translation software. There’s little need within the bounds of the conspiracy for China to be publishing this data only internally.

    Income and standards of living have also increased in Xinjiang. This is global data published independently. Again, what kind of genocide improves the quality of life for the victims? Further, life expectancy has also increased in Xinjiang over the last 30 years while infant mortality has decreased drastically decreased. These cannot be dismissed as merely affecting the Han Chinese population while the Uyghurs suffer because their population is too large and would have an obvious impact of these averages.

    That leads on to another point about the Uyghurs. It is often claimed that China hates its minorities and promotes Han superiority while trying to eliminate all other minorities. This is simply not true. There are 56 ethnic groups in China and all ethnic groups in China are given special privileges and unique rights, in different ways specific to each group, except one, the Han Chinese majority. Many minority groups were exempt from the One Child policy, some are allowed to own firearms as it is their traditional culture, and all are given extra points on national exams as a compensation for any historic or cultural bias they may face. (While Chinese policy is not anti-minority, it cannot be denied that minorities can face discrimination and historic biases as in anywhere in the world, which the government is clearly working to eradicate). The list of exemptions is actually huge, but the government has summarised it as much as it can here. Also, let us not ignore the 117 autonomous minority counties and 5 entire autonomous minority provinces (Xinjiang is one of these) which exist in China. These areas have some level of self-government and self-policy making, to better cater to the local minority majority populations needs, who are often also the local leaders. In the recent Olympic opening ceremony, we saw the 56 ethnic groups of China carry the Chinese flag. Is this a show for westerners while China is secretly murdering them, or is it a Chinese display of diversity within common unity under China?

    Regarding Uyghurs specifically, it is often stated that China hates Muslims, which the Uyghurs primarily are. Actually of the minority groups in China, 10 of these are primarily Muslim. In China there is a Muslim restaurant on nearly every street, these Muslims have been a part of China for over 1000 years and are considered Chinese. The western concept of Muslims as immigrants does not exist in China, and there is no anti-Islamic policy within China. Actually, Muslim Chinese are allowed to have religious schooling instead of regular schooling if they choose, while it is mandatory that regular schools and public institutes all must serve halal food options. There are even special legal rights given due to the need for Muslims to fast during Ramadan. Such policies are obviously useful when Muslims may face difficulties at work due to pressure during Ramadan. As for Uyghurs specifically, well, brand new subway stations continue to use Uyghur script (standard policy in minority areas), while in Xinjiang Uyghur culture is openly celebrated and displayed without oppression. The claims that China is destroying Uyghur culture make no sense in light of this.

    As a final point of this chapter, why would China specifically want to genocide Uyghurs? It’s certainly not because they’re Muslim since there’s 9 other Muslim groups with no claims of genocide against them. Is it because they’re not part of the main Chinese ethnic group, not “Han Chinese”? Well who is? The Mongolian minority of China isn’t Han, the Manchu also don’t consider themselves Han, what about the Koreans in North East China? Actually, none of the 55 minority ethnic groups in China are Han, yet there are no claims of genocide against 54 of them, so it cannot be because the Uyghurs are not Han Chinese. Perhaps it is because Xinjiang supposedly doesn’t belong to China, but they want to take it, so they will kill all the natives there. Well Han Chinese make up 60% of the population of Xinjiang’s population, and have had a presence in Xinjiang since 200BC, with control being on and off with the rise and fall of various empires and such. The Uyghurs didn’t occur in the region until around 1000AD, considering Islam began in the early 7th century and needed time to spread. Though that is not to discredit the Uyghur right to live there, but it dismisses the notion that the Han Chinese have somehow invaded and conquered another’s land and now want to genocide the natives, as the Uyghurs came into Chinese territory in no different manner to the Hui or other Muslim ethnic groups, which again, are not being genocide. There really is no motive for China to commit genocide against Uyghurs.

    Part 2- Why Xinjiang as a target for disinformation and genocide claims?

    Xinjiang is not a region without problems, and it is these problems which have made it the perfect candidate for the disinformation campaign. Xinjiang’s geographical position is within the sphere of central Asia, and the Uyghurs are Muslim. Central Asia being primarily Muslim and relatively undeveloped has been caught up in the last 20 years of radical Islamic movements and Xinjiang is no exception. Xinjiang was a poor and undeveloped region, and it was well behind the rest of China. Naturally, poverty, religion and global politics combined, and radical Islam also grew there, leading to China suffering many awful terrorist attacks just like in the west, terror attacks you’ve probably never heard of, like 143 stabbing victims in a train station in 2014, by Uyghur radical Muslims, or a 2007 truck ramming event against 70 police men, where the drivers then dismounted and began attacking with machetes. Many similar events usually involving melee weapons have occurred in China in the past 20 years. Uyghur radicals don’t just attack China too, over 5000 Uyghurs joined ISIS according to Syria. You can see a full list of Uyghur terror attacks here, (it is wiki, but it’s just a list) as well as how the Uyghur separatist organisation is an Al-Qaeda affiliated extremist Islamic movement.

    Now you might be thinking these are freedom fighters for Uyghur independence against Chinese domination, okay perhaps there is something in that perspective, but these kind of terror attacks are obviously not justified and play into the larger concept of western funded separatist movements to be discussed later.

    China is not an idle nation and by the early 2010’s it had committed itself to sorting out Xinjiang, this first involved extremely heavy security and limited freedoms, they even managed to effectively restrict all melee weapons in the region, I remember seeing a fruit seller having to use a knife on a chain to cut the fruit he sold, around 2015, because all knives had been banned. However, this was just to ensure regional stability before moving onto the next stage in the plan. China has opened numerous vocational and technical education colleges around Xinjiang, where it is generally mandatory for Uyghur men in the most destitute regions to go. In these schools they learn mandarin and can become qualified in various fields, while being educated on the issues of radical Islam. The most famous picture used as evidence of the Uyghur genocide is actually from a graduation rehabilitation ceremony of Uyghur adults. They go in as uneducated religious extremists, and they come out with skills and education. This is how China tackles religious extremism.

    This of course from a western perspective conjures up communist style brainwashing and re-education, lack of freedom and authoritarianism. However, this is China’s “War on terror”. Ask yourself, what was the western world’s war on terror? It was the invasion of Afghanistan, of Iraq, the destruction of entire countries, millions of dead, mass poverty, decades of war. That is not how you fix radicalisation, that is not how you fix the problems of a region. China is developing Xinjiang, pouring money into the province, raising standards of living, life expectancy, creating jobs, and bringing the population out of religious superstition and into the modern age, all without destroying their original culture. Islamic terrorism is not Uyghur culture.

    However, these methods serve as the perfect basis to create a narrative of genocide, due to the surface resemblance. Xinjiang was chosen to be twisted into a genocide conspiracy for this reason, along with it being a previous terrorist hotbed. The US has an extremely long history of funding rebel groups and coups around the world in order to overthrow regimes and install favourable leaders, even if it turns that country into a poor destabilised place. Hopefully this common knowledge does not need citing for you. Given the pre-existing East Turkestan Xinjiang separatist movement, the US can combine a pre-existing movement with a false genocide propaganda blitz to cause massively instability and rebellion within China, if not for China’s counter efforts.

    Part 3 – Faulty and weak evidence

    On the surface the evidence for the Uyghur genocide seems overwhelming and undeniable, so many testimonies, satellite photos, videos of prisoners being loaded onto trains, reporters not allowed inside, etc. However, all these sources actually fall apart under the most basic of scrutiny. We can look at some of the more famous ones as examples.

    Let’s start with the Wikipedia Article. Seems pretty damn convincing right? A study has been done into the sources the article uses as of January 2022. The study has shown, in summary, that of 486 citations, only 2 come from mainland China and those 2 are not related to the genocide, that the main origin of sources is an openly admitted US Propaganda institute (Radio Free Asia, more on this later), while the majority of the rest are simply mainstream media such as CNN, repeating said propaganda institutes stories. This breakdown of the wiki page is very good and well worth a full read in its own right. This isn’t a critique of Wikipedia, it’s a good and bad source, I also use it, but highly political pages aren’t trustworthy and it is proven that the CIA edits Wikipedia. You may claim China also edits wiki, and maybe they do, but clearly they are not having an impact if pages like this exist.

    The famous train video is a video showing Chinese guards loading Uyghur prisoners with blindfolds onto a train, with widespread claims likening it to the loading of Jewish prisoners onto trains bound for death camps. Of course this is not the case, in reality it’s a regular prisoner transfer, there’s no evidence it’s a specific ethnic group especially Uyghurs, there’s nothing show it as a death camp transfer. This is how prisoners are transferred between prisons in much of the world, and this may sound surprising, but China also has prisons. You might also be surprised that supposedly respectable media also publishes completely fake stories without fact checking. The left image is the original false testimony (more on that soon), the right is the BBC making it even more false. The accusation is simply made up.  

    Evidence for the numbers of Uyghurs in camps is also hilariously weak. The first was a “study” where around a dozen Uyghurs were interviewed asking how many people from their villages they thought had been in the educational and vocational centres, and from that, extrapolated the proportion given by the interviewees to be generalized across the entirety of Xinjiang, which is an extremely unrepresentative sample size to attempt to make such an extreme claim. This is the study used for the claim that over a million are in prisons. I am not even reinterpreting this, check the link, the link itself, which accuses China of genocide, explains how they got the figure of millions from 12 people. That is not data science that is insanity.

    Witnesses, testimonies and claims of abuse and torture also seem very scary and difficult to deny on the surface, until examined closely. For example, Tursunay Ziyawudun started the sterilisation claims, however in her original interview she claimed she was not beaten or abused and that her suffering was mental. Later, she changed her story to claim she was physically abused, along with the sterilisation claims, suddenly. Rushan Abbas is another, a self proclaimed Uyghur activist who repeats the typical genocide claims. She claims to have personal experience with victims of the genocide. She does however forget to mention that she works for the CIA and oversaw torture at Guantanamo bay as a translator.  Additionally, there have been many cases where witnesses are called out by their own families, who often live abroad, for having made up totally false stories.

    Regarding satellite photos, the vast majority are literally just prisons, prisons obviously exist in China. How little critical thinking do people in the west have to see a photo of a prison and a headline “Genocide camp” and immediately believe it at face value. We could just as easily take screenshots of US prisons from google maps and claim there is a genocide against black Americans, and these are the camps to prove it. It is often taken to the extreme where literally any building, a train station, a quarry, a school, is used as evidence of genocidal labour camps. There are also some frankly hilarious weak claims. On so called Uyghur activist posted videos of Uyghurs being tortured. You can translate the text on the left, however.. the original source is from a Taiwanese fetish BDSM video. Another video surfaced recently of a Uyghur man being beaten by Chinese guards, loudly shouting at him. Of course, if people spreading it had any intelligence, they’d realise the men aren’t speaking Chinese but Indonesian, and it was an Indonesian prison video.

    Birth rate decline is also used as evidence of genocide. However, a decline in birth rate always occurs in regions where social and economic development occur. This follows the Demographic Transition Model of Human Geography, which in simple terms means that people stop having 10 children once infant mortality is significantly reduced, as happened in the west and all developed places. Misrepresentation and misunderstanding of data and basic demographic trends are being used to further the claims of genocide. In fact birth rate ironically proves Xinjiang is becoming a better, more developed place to live.

    These are just a handful of the most prominent examples used by western media as evidence, which fall apart very quickly under scrutiny.

    Part 4 – The western propaganda institutes responsible

    If these claims are fake, if the evidence is sketchy, then it must come from somewhere. In the west we have spent too long believing we have free media with independent journalists seeking the truth. This is not true, while media is generally free to write as they please, only those which repeat the country’s policies are given significant publicity, and the vast majority of western media gets its sources from the same few places, a few original sources, which is why they all publish the same stories at the same time.

    Regarding China and the Uyghurs, these original sources come directly from US government supported propaganda ministries. Yes, the west has these, they just different use terminology to mask it.  The primary institute regarding the Uyghur Genocide is Radio Free Asia. As we saw by the Wikipedia article breakdown, the vast majority of sources come from this institute.

    RFA was founded by the CIA, as they freely admit on their website, the Central Intelligence Agency is the foreign intelligence service for the USA. It is given enormous power by the US and is directly responsible for overseas paramilitary operations, coups, assassinations, and propaganda campaigns. This is not a conspiracy; this is openly admitted by them and freely available in archives for their older actions. I’m sure we’re all aware of the CIA’s antics. So, it should be immediately concerning that the primary institute for sources on the Uyghur Genocide come from a US government ministry which is responsible for propaganda. Radio Free Asia stories range from unsettling to outright ridiculous, their stories are either highly exaggerated into falsehoods such as the previous evidence, or just outright made up, because almost nobody questions it.

    The CIA are also not above founding supposedly independent institutes to “expose” the Uyghur genocide. A new institute called “Weghur Stories” has been set up to share more testimonies and witness reports.  Weghur Stories (this spelling borders on offensive by the way) is founded by John Blair, John recently decided to have a total career change, from working at the CIA to publishing so called Uyghur stories. Not that the founder being ‘former’ CIA even matters, the institute proudly boasts its funding support from the US Embassy in France, where it is based.

    Anyway, how about an example of exaggerated falsehoods?

    RFA: Chinese irrigation tunnel project in Xinjiang hits snag: too much water – “The project aims to open desert areas for development, but experts say it could dilute the Uyghur population”. So, an irrigation project has been twisted into a narrative of genocide. It’s a waterpipe.

    Let’s use a recent example for the outright made up cases.

    North Korea arrests teacher and students for ‘capitalist’ dance moves – The original story by RFA, no actual evidence is sited other than “We were told”, “somebody reported” etc. RFA are their own source.

    Now we can see how the story is quickly spread by mainstream media, who all cite Radio Free Asia.  The Daily Mail. – “A resident of North Korea told RFA’s Korean Service” and MSN – An almost word for word copy of the original article.

    Elderly Uyghur widow serving 17-year term in Xinjiang women’s prison. Sounds awful, but reading the article, there are no sources given, to quote, “according to a verdict issued in April 2019 and recently seen by RFA.” – So show us the verdict? Surely they have it? There is no evidence given, even at the bottom it cites their own translation service. These RFA stories are simply made up on the spot or twisted out of a real incident into something wholly different. This is not journalism, there are no conversation transcripts, there is no information on how it was discovered, who is covertly meeting these people, how they got her mugshot… this is false propaganda.

    How can the Wikipedia article and mainstream media which uses this source really be considered credible? Unfortunately, this propaganda is only going to get worse. The US has passed a new bill allocating $500 million more to its media propaganda arms to combat China, under the guise of defeating disinformation. What disinformation? The entire west already believes in the genocide, what more do they need? Of course, the western media has a history of running negative stories about China, when people take the time to compile the stories of similar headlines, not only do we see how western media outlets all run the same stories and are not independent, but we also see the buzzwords they use and their long campaign of discrediting China, of which the genocide is only the last.

    But at what cost? – Any time China does something positive, media outlets will report it as a negative by adding “at what cost?” to the headline. A particularly funny one “China is getting smarter – but at what cost?”.

    Everything vanishes in China. – China is a land of change due to rapid development; this must be reported in a negative manner, every change must report something having ‘Vanished’. Slow trains replaced by Bullet trains? Oh no, the vanishing slow trains of China!

    The Dark Side of China. – All positive developments in China must be reported with a countering “Dark side”. My personal favourite “The dark side of organised crime crack down”.

    And let us not forget the main story they run every year, the impending collapse of China, predicted annually since 1990. Honestly this follows the Five stages of grief, which the west is going through regarding its decline. The first stage being denial, denial that China isn’t collapsing because it isn’t a western democracy. Let us not even mention the western media’s reaction to China’s success in controlling Covid…

    Outside of Radio Free Asia there is Adrien Zenz. The primary study which confirmed the Uyghur Genocide for western nations was done by him, a homophobic pro-life Christian fundamentalist who claimed he is on a personal mission from God to destroy China. It is his study which estimated the camp numbers from 8-12 people. Zenz openly hates communism and works for the Victims of Communism foundation. Yes, his work is the primary study which the western backed claims of genocide are based on. Zenz originally claimed such a study was impossible, but after being “convinced” (paid) by the BBC, he carried on with it. Naturally he works closely with Radio Free Asia. Anybody with any experience in the field of academia will see the obvious conflict of interest and extreme bias in this, as well as the laughable data extrapolation. Many of Zenz’s claims have been proven wrong with ease using public data, such as his claim that 80% of Chinese IUD contraceptives were placed in Uyghur woman as evidence of forced sterilisation, in fact it is 8.7% which is within normal ranges. Naturally Zenz has never been to Xinjiang. So a man who believes it is his life’s work to destroy China, who hasn’t visited Xinjiang, and was paid by the BBC to find evidence of genocide, has published a report which is the primary basis for the western claims of genocide. Everybody can see the clear issues with that.

    The problem we have in the west is that we so inherently believe our media to be free that an organisation can directly say it is a “US government funded non profit publishing house” and we don’t read that as “Institute of government propaganda” despite it quite literally saying that just in more complex terms. The majority of sources for the genocide come from two places, a literal CIA propaganda ministry, and a religious fanatic who hates China. Weak.

    Part 5 – Global opinions

    You may have the idea that the entire world is united in condemning China for genocide against the Uyghurs. This is not the case. In fact, the vast majority of the world’s nations do not recognise a genocide. Unsurprisingly, it is primarily the western world which has an agenda against China as outlined at the beginning, that is united in recognising the genocide. It is also telling that those countries which recognise a genocide are also those which refuse to send an observer, as we’ll discuss soon. What may surprise you though is that many Muslim nations do not only disregard the notion of genocide but actually go so far as to openly support China’s policies in Xinjiang, undoubtably the policies against radical Islam and terrorism.

    And do not begin to think this is due to some political bias or buyout. Saudi Arabia, the heart of Islam and a huge ally of the US, supports China’s Xinjiang policies. So does Iraq, which is firmly under US influence. It seems the Xinjiang Genocide is firmly a western belief. Western media can’t comprehend this, they cannot comprehend that their influence over nations to follow their policies is waning, so they invent a further conspiracy that the entire Islamic world also wants to genocide the Uyghurs, because you know, Iraq really hates a random ethnic group in China /sarcasm. That is published by Radio Free Europe, the sister to Radio Free Asia, in case you were wondering about its sincerity. You may still believe this is political, however these nations have sent observes to Xinjiang, independently, and have not found evidence of genocide. Pakistan sent a diplomat to Xinjiang and found no evidence of genocide, Egypt also sent delegates with similar results. Not all western media unanimously believes it either, on the fringes of the west, in countries like Finland, which officially supports the US stance, it’s media is more free to question the narrative, as it begins to crumble.

    This contrasts with western refusals to actually do an independent investigation. The EU was invited by China and declined. The US has also been desperately trying to prevent and block a UN investigation into the genocide (which is now thankfully underway), because they’re aware that the UN will not find sufficient evidence. Furthermore, US lawyers who were looking at the situation before the Trump administration officially labelled it genocide, were unable to apply that label and considered it to fall short, and that is American lawyers trying to prove genocide. The Trump administration went ahead with it anyway despite their lawyer’s disagreement. This is reported on ForeignPolicy, a media outlet since then fully in support of genocide claims. Instead, the west’s main investigation as we have previously discussed, is that of a fringe lunatic fundamentalist Christian with a lifelong hatred of China.

    Despite claims to the contrary, the UN has not accused China of genocide against Uyghurs, we are still awaiting that report which is being carried out with full Chinese cooperation. Although no doubt when the report comes back with the result of no genocide, western media will consider it bought by China.

    Part 6 – Western dogmatism and hypocrisy

    Why would the west suddenly care so much about a particular ethnic group, specifically a Muslim one, in China? The western powers have spent around 30 decades invading and bombing Muslim countries, resulting in suffering for millions and millions of cumulative deaths over the years.  After some western nations banned Hijabs, after Trump banned people from Muslim countries visiting the US, and what about the Rohingya in Myanmar, an extremely oppressed Muslim minority group who really have faced genocide and eviction from their homeland? Beyond typical handwaving gestures, nothing concrete was done, and they have been forgotten.  Let’s not forget Saudi Arabia, the US’s biggest ally in the middle east, a nation which beheads people weekly, for things such as being gay or having sex outside of marriage. There’s no outcry there from the west, everyone’s happy to get their oil and leave them to oppress women, LGBT and have slave labourers which really have been proven. After all this, suddenly the west is extremely concerned for a minority Muslim group in northwest China? I don’t buy it, and neither should you. It’s 100% political and never about human rights.

    To you, the reader of this document, if you have got to the bottom, I am grateful. We must all learn to be less eager to believe in every story the western media says about foreign countries and especially China. There is an agenda, it is not free. Western media may be relatively free internally, at self-criticism, but it is a united front regarding global politics. It is already common for westerners to criticise their governments, to talk about how they only care for the wealthy, how the poor are disregarded, how the pandemic furthered wealth inequality, and how western governments waste money and lives on ridiculous wars. All of this is widely believed, and yet when that same government says, “China Bad”, everybody takes it straight in without a doubt, without any criticism, without any scepticism. This has to end. If they lie about some things, then they can lie about all things, and with the precedent outlined at the beginning of this document, and the evidence shown within, there is no doubt that the Uyghur Genocide is a lie by western governments to delegitimise China and isolate it globally.

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